Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

Crystal Saga ( web browser based game )

Crystal Saga

Crystal Saga is a free-to-play 2.5D browser MMORPG. Players may choose from five available classes: Mage, Paladin, Priest, Ranger and Rogue. Explore and discover the wide variety of attainable mounts, weapons and items. Find a group and take down wild beasts and barbarians, gaining glory and equipment to aid your progress. Tame a slew of available pets, aiding you and your group in battle. Participate in one of the many daily contests, events and dungeons that Crystal Saga has to offer. What are you waiting for? Join thousands of other players, as you explore and progress through the world of Vidalia!
Genre: MMORPG Status: Open Beta
Graphics: 2D Official Site: http://cs.r2games.com/

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